
5th Political Summit & Diamond Awards

The conference will raise the banner of discourse on issues germane to political communications through its highly exciting Sessions, Case Studies and Briefings.
Besides flagging of the two-day event with the theme, sessions expected to inform and educate participants includes:
1. Polling in African Elections: Lessons from the Streets
2. Innovations in Polling Techniques in the Last Decade
3. Who is the best polling source, the Man or Woman?
4. Why the Market Women Matter to Polls
5. Kings, Chiefs, and Elections in Africa: How Much Influence over Voters?

Who will win Nigeria's presidential elections in February 2023?
How did President Ruto trounce his opponents to victory in the Kenyan presidential polls?
And how do we understand the outcome of recent elections in Senegal?

The umpires and analysts will meet to crunch the figures and what they tell us of the changing reality of political behaviour in Africa.

The Summit has planned Briefings by corporates developing tools of communications. Their briefings will take participants through the effective deployment of these applications.

To crown it all, we shall announce the winner of the Diamond of African Leadership Award at the Dinner on Friday November 18, 2022.

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